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STUDENTS: Make your own account SEPARATE from your parent (if you already have one, go back to the membership tab and click on "Returning Members")
1. Make your own account SEPARATE from your student (or change your level for the new school year)
2. Only one parent needs an account - only YOU will be billed for your student's fees
3. Please ignore the word Variable next to your level - it is system-generated and means you have payment options available during registration
4. MIDDLE students do not need their own account until high school 

NEW FAMILIES: Visual instructions to register: 2024 NEW Member Instructions.pdf OR
Step-by-step instructions:-

1. Below, select the level that YOU areparents are parent levels only, students are student levels only (EXCEPT for MIDDLE students who do not have their own account) 
2. If you have more than one student, select Parent of Multiple Students 
3. If you get a warning that your email is already in our system, it is because you subscribed or registered for something at some point and are already in the system - click Forgot Password and proceed from there
4. Fill out application form
5. Parents are the only ones who will be asked to pay for their student(s)

6. An email confirmation will be sent to you when the process is complete

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Select membership level

* Mandatory fields
* Membership level

CAP IT Tampa
Jennifer Sack: President, Co-Chair
Kylie Brewer: Executive Director, Co-Chair

813-540-1620 (Text first please)
Email us:

Our Christian faith is central to who we are as an organization. We desire to be examples of God’s love as we serve the homeschool community in Tampa Bay.
Those that join CAP IT Tampa do not have to share our beliefs, but we ask that they be honored as you participate in what we do.

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